While this is arguably the most damage-heavy one on this list, I ranked it lower because it has the requirement of a particular greatsword, taking away from its versatility. This build is the definition of min-maxing, as it takes the greatsword charge attack and makes it as powerful as it possibly can, through a clever use of the punishing draw and Frostcraft skills. Its charged attacks can lay down insane damage numbers in one hit. The greatsword is one of the most satisfying weapons in the game. Fun to play and useful to boot! Everyone loves to have a support guy in the party.You’ll be chugging potions all the time anyway. Wide Range means that every time you take a potion, your allies get the benefit.Playing into this fact, this build utilizes skills that make your use of items more efficient, either by making the animation shorter or even by giving you a chance of keeping the item you consume! Divine Blessing allows you to survive so much longer, and the build even gives you some decent damage bonuses with the right gems! What’s good about this build? The Sword and Shield are incredibly useful for support builds because you are capable of using items while your weapon is out of its sheath. Can be used in 2 player hunts, pulling double duty as a support build.Stay out of the fray and put the danger off on your palico! Wide Range allows you to buff your Palico from afar Stand back and let the cat do the work, which could be therapeutic if you have a particularly lazy cat.Watching your Palico lay waste to dragons is one of the silliest and most fun experiences you will have in monster hunter, in my opinion. This build is capable of killing an elder dragon without even having to touch it with your weapon. While this isn’t necessarily the best afk build, it is the cutest one! This build allows you to stand back, buffing your palico while it wreaks havoc upon enemy dragons. 9: Pokemon Palico (AFK elder dragon kills!) Slot it out with ease of life skills to make your gathering more enjoyable! The possibilities are endless! Slots! Slots aplenty! Gem this thing out to be combat-viable, and it’s a farming factory.Carving master (4-piece set bonus) Gives you extra carves when you kill monsters, which combined with Good Luck gives you a better chance of carving those rare gems.This makes grinding more productive over time. Good Luck Skill (2-piece set bonus) gives you better luck.The Guildwork Armor Set bonuses make for easier and more fruitful gathering. This set utilizes the Guildwork Set, and is designed to make your time gathering as productive as possible. You will spend countless hours digging at piles of bones or picking berries, catching bugs or fishing. While it is probably not your favorite part of playing the game, gathering items is one of the most important things you will do in the course of playing Monster Hunter World. Luckily, I am here to help you! Here you will find a list of 10 armor sets that I hope will complement your hunts perfectly. Picking the right armor is literally the most important decision you will make in the game, so it is best to do your research, and know which skills you are going to need. In Monster Hunter World, your armor set determines nearly everything about your abilities, and whether or not you will survive or be carted back to camp.